This month's More to Start, Fewer to Quit (MSFQ) tips come from David F. Eccles, Orchestra Program and Upper School Director, The Lovett School in Atlanta, Georgia.
The Best Communities for Music Education acknowledges over 1,000 schools and districts across the United States for their commitment and support of music education.
An open-source, monthly newsletter brought to you by the Music Achievement Council. Each month, this free resource features a recruiting idea, retention idea, and tip for success for music educators.
An open-source, monthly newsletter brought to you by the Music Achievement Council. Each month, this free resource will feature a recruiting idea, retention idea, and tip for success for music educators.
An open-source, monthly newsletter brought to you by the Music Achievement Council. Each month, this free resource will feature a recruiting idea, retention idea, and tip for success for music educators.
An open-source, monthly newsletter brought to you by the Music Achievement Council. Each month, this free resource will feature a recruiting idea, retention idea, and tip for success for music educators.
We're thrilled to announce our NEW Choose to Teach monthly video series. These videos were designed specifically to help educators remain motivated through the sharing of words of encouragement and support from respected colleagues who have successfully navigated these last few, exceptionally challenging years.