MAC Corner: You're Invited ...

In This Article:

We can all remember the excitement of our first performance—dressing uniformly being the center of attention yet within the security of a group setting, and especially hearing the rousing applause of an excited and supportive audience! Developed by the Music Achievement Council, a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization, the First Performance National Day of Celebration (FPNDoC) is a turnkey demonstration concert designed to recognize and celebrate beginning band and orchestra students for their achievements.

The FPNDoC program allows our youngest musicians to showcase their newly-acquired musical skills for the very first time in a public setting within the first six to seven weeks of school. It is a scripted event that provides parents with the opportunity to hear their child’s progress in a fun and entertaining program that requires little or no extra work for the teacher, while also providing school administrators with an opportunity to view first-hand the joy and pride that our students, as well as their parents, experience in these early weeks.

The objectives of the First Performance National Day of Celebration are:

  • To reduce beginner dropout rate
  • To provide short-range incentive goals
  • To encourage communication with parents
  • To further strengthen administrative support
  • To celebrate the musical accomplishments of the students


The sound of applause early in a musician’s life is infectious and can encourage continued growth leading to a lifetime of music-making. The resulting memories will last for a lifetime. With beginners, there will never be a more enthusiastic group of performers and audience members than these young musicians and their families and friends. 

By ​Marcia Neel
Excerpt from SBO (School, Band and Orchestra), Aug. 4, 2018, Digital Issue.

Read the complete article, here

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