Grantee Spotlight: Australian Music Association

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The Australian Music Association (AMA) is the voice of the music products industry and helping to grow music making in Australia. In addition to  representing the interests of the music products industry, it works with  a network of both government and non-government organizations to advocate for music education. The AMA has been a NAMM Foundation grantee partner for over nine years which has enabled them to create music making opportunities both in schools and the community, which continues to benefit the industry.

“Our impact as an organization is greatest in facilitating programs that get more people involved, whether that be from more music education opportunities, greater community involvement, events and advocacy that promote our industry. Our members impact the community everyday with their stores and commitment to music in the community,” shared AMA’s executive officer Robert Walker.

In support of their mission, one of the AMA’s initiatives this year is Australia’s involvement in Make Music Day, the global celebration of music. Make Music Day brings music to public spaces around the world, encouraging the creativity of communities and celebrating the act of making music, regardless of ability. Music retailers will involve their community and host events in their stores, manufacturers will encourage their employees to participate in musical flash mobs, and community businesses will host open mics or drum circles–all in the hopes of inspiring more people to pick up an instrument and play! While Make Music Day has been celebrated annually since its inception in 1982 as Fete de la Musique in France, Make Music Day has now grown to over 70 cities in the U.S. and includes international celebrations in Australia, Brazil, China, Nigeria, South America and the United Kingdom. (include MakeMusicDay Alliance to access this network ??)

To get involved in Make Music Day Australia, please contact

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